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The Bookish Blabathon

Hello, readers! Today I am going to be doing an impromptu post I am calling it the bookish blabathon. This post will include me ranting, I mean, talking about books.

First and foremost, I am currently reading the wonderful Marie-Antoinette by Helene Delalex, Alexandre Maral, and Nicolas Milovanovic. This book includes lush illustrations and photographs on Marie's life. It also delves into the fascinating French court, fashion and elitist lifestyle.

I am currently going through an "I was born in the wrong decade!" crisis and am steadfastly feeding this dilemma into a fascination (more like obsession) with the past. Becuase of all this I plan on reading Pride And Prejudice after Marie-Antoinette and have a super exciting post to go along with Jane Austin's timeless classic! (Make sure to keep your eyes peeled!)

I've been trying to post more on my blog but most of my attempts have been quite fruitless. Thankfully, I've recently had a burst of inspiration and am soooooooo happy to be blogging again! Especially since I am proud of my content coming soon!


What are you guys reading right now? Do you like it? Why or why not?

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