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Launching Reviewing Should Be Fun!

Hello, everyone! Sooooooo, I am back from my break and am super excited to be back and blogging!

In preparation for my blogging comeback, I have been thinking a lot about reviewing books and trying to fix my hatred for it. And I thought that right now was a better time than ever to tell you that...

I hate reviewing books, yeah I said it, I reallllyyyyyyyy hate reviewing books...

As a result, I decided that it doesn't have to be this way, I can find a format for book reviewing that works for me! As a result, I am launching reviewing should be fun, a movement where I can review a book spontaneously and excitingly! But, instead of keeping all of my excitement about my new plan inside, I decided to tell all of you guys about it so you can join too! (I can't be the only one who feels this way!)

The reviewing possibility are officially endless! Maybe you write questions you have after finishing a book. Maybe you write about how you felt during different scenes of a book. It's up to you! I am so pumped and I hope you are too. The time is now, we can finally make reviewing fun!

-Ella A.

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