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Review: Small As An Elephant by Jennifer R. Jacobson


Fleeing in the night, Jack's mom departs. Leaving Jack alone at a campground in the Acadia National Park. Jack's mom had always been unreliable. Jack commences on a wild journey to find his mother before school starts again. Yet the DSS begins to catch onto Jack being alone, without a mother, and now all Jack has a small toy elephant, a little amount of money, and some hope things will be OK. Jack's strength, loyalty, hope, perseverance, and love is tested in Small As An Elephant By: Jennifer Jacobson.


I could not put this book down! It was thrilling, eventful, exciting, and a never ending whirlwind of hope and determation. Although it got a little repative towards the end... it was still an amazing short read.

I felt as though Jack kept enduring the same problamatic situations. Not enough food to eat, no place to sleep, DSS almost finding him. Alothough these are terrible situations and I feel very bad for Jack it got boring to hear them over and over again.

The obession with elephants was completely understandable yet metioned in every setance, which got a little annoying at points.

Overall I highly recamend this book if you like being at the edge of your seat and want a quick read!

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